Half human, half beast.

Morpho before the change

Morpho strangling Ioz
Morpho is one of the Dark Dweller's minions.
Once he was a man, an alchemist named Morpho, who sought to control the most powerful being on Mer for his own ends. The Dark Dweller was too strong for Morpho to be controlled, but instead of destroying the ambitious alchemist he made him his trusted servant, a creature of two worlds. Now Morpho is helping him conquer the world by turning his enemies into the Dark Disciples.
Until Octopon was liberated by Ren and his crew, Morpho was residing in old Primus' castle commanding the army of Dark Disciples. After that, Morpho allied with Bloth offering him help in finding Treasures of Rule.
The right side of Morpho's body is human, but the other side has been transformed into more bestial look - green, wart-covered skin, yellow eye, snorkel sticking from his face and tentacle instead of an arm. These are the only visible changes, as Morpho covers the rest of his body under his dark robes.
Servant of the Dark Dweller: As half monster Morpho is incredibly strong. His tentacle arm can easily lift few adult humans or crush through stone wall. He is also resistant to Dark Water and can communicate with his master through it.
Alchemist: Morpho kept his proficiency in the art of alchemy after the change. His craft allowed him to create Dark Disciples or change souls between two people.